Nickname ALEXA … is a calm and obedient Corso. She is very smart, trains hard, listens attentively to us and our daughter.
Awarded GRAND Champion 3 April 2022
100% pure blood,
has acquired her "Grand Champion" certification!
Alexa weights 135 pounds Registered with: American Kennel Club Registry (AKC) International Cane Corso Federation Registry (ICCF) Alexa's SIRE: Apriori Best Lissabon (European) International Cane Corso Federation Registry (ICCF) CH RUS, JCH RUS, 2XCH RKF
G Grandparents 1 GR CH, 2 CH GG Grandparents 2 GR CH, 2 INT CH Alexa's DAM: Brealey Monique (European) International Cane Corso Federation Registry (ICCF) CH RUS, CH RFK, BST
G Grandparents 1 CH GG Grandparents 1 INT CH, 1 CH
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